The workshop took place about the criminal liability of legal entities organized by Concern Dialog

On May 16, the Concern Dialog law office organized a workshop on the regulations defining the criminal liability of legal entities under the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia.

The provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia on the criminal liability of legal entities entered into force from January 1, 2023, which for the first time in the Republic of Armenia envisages that legal entities, both established in Armenia and in a foreign country, can be the subjects to criminal liability.

With the new regulations, not only the employees of the companies as individuals may be prosecuted, but also criminal consequences may arise for the companies themselves, including fine, temporary suspension of the right to engage in a certain type of activity, compulsory liquidation, ban on carrying out activities in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

Head of criminal law practice in Concern Dialog law firm, attorney, PhD in law, associate professor at YSU law faculty Sergey Marabyan, senior associate, attorney Tirayr Karapetyan and junior associate Svetlana Mkrtchyan presented in detail all the possible cases when legal entities may be subject to criminal liability, what the criminal prosecution process should be, what implications may arise for companies, what tools can be applied to reduce possible risks.

The workshop attended directors of organizations, accountants, lawyers operating in Armenia․

Workshops organized by Concern Dialog are continual. To attend future workshops, follow our website and social media publications.


1 Charents str., Office 207 Yerevan, 0025, Armenia

+374 60 27 88 88 +374 10 57 51 21

1 Charents str., Office 207 Yerevan, 0025, Armenia

+374 60 27 88 88 +374 10 57 51 21